Ritual, Belief, Spirituality, and Art

Rituals, beliefs, spirits, and arts have long been interconnected in various cultures and traditions. Rituals are often performed as a way to honor spiritual beliefs or connect with the spiritual world, while art has frequently served as a medium for expressing these deep connections. The study of these elements allows us to understand how they interact and shape cultures, and how they are represented through artistic expressions. This discussion aims to explore the relationships between rituals, beliefs, spirits, and arts within different cultural and social contexts. It seeks to provide insights into how these elements influence each other and the role they play in both personal and communal experiences of spirituality.

Speaker : Lawe Samagaha, Zun Ei Phyu, Suhendi
Facilitator : Maho Watanabe
Interpreter : Margareta Marisa

Date / Time : 16 January 2025 / 19.30 - 21.00 (2F)
Venue : Cianjur Creative Center

Lawe Samagaha

Lawe Samagaha is a composer and creator of new musical instruments based in Bogor. He founded the music group Kumpulan Bunyi Sunya and conducts numerous music workshops. Lawe is also deeply involved in the creation of music for theater and dance and actively participates in indigenous community activities.
He has performed at numerous festivals, including events in Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali, and internationally at Donaueschinger Musiktage in Germany (2004), IWP Pakistan (2006), WDF Malaysia and Taiwan (2008), Kadans Festival in Belgium and the Netherlands (2009), Next Trace Singapore (2015), Music Mystic Fest Turkey (2015), and ICF Azerbaijan (2018).
Most recently, he took part in the Seeking Tuan Guru Cape Town Residency (2023) and Reconnecting Heritage Cape Town (2024).

Zun Ei Phyu

Zun Ei is a medical doctor and multidisciplinary artist. Zun Ei’s primary interest concerns public participatory art works and community art projects. Main themes of her works are social and ecological issues related to children and elderly people. During the different crises in her country and around the world, her works become involved in peace, justice and psychosocial rebuilding toward resiliency. Her artworks are collected not only locally but also internationally.
She has been involved in many international art projects and worked with different communities across South East Asia and some European countries. She is currently a fellow of Mekong Cultural Hub.


Suhendi, known as Abah Suhe, completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung. He was once active in P3M (Association for Pesantren and Community Development) Jakarta, INCReS (Institute for Culture and Religion Studies) Bandung. Spiritual activities following Laku PATANJALA (Patan Aliran Jala Sungai), an activity along the river from upstream to the mouth of the river to determine the layout of forest reserves. In addition, he also follows Tata Lampah, which is a natural resource management that can ensure that humans and wildlife can be sustainable and harmonious. And finally, he follows Tata Wayah: maintaining the movement of life in harmony with the movement of nature. Now Suhendi chooses the path of life as a Community Organizer as the founder and caretaker of Saung Sangsanglamaya and the caretaker of the Pataruman Cianjur cemetery.