TERASIA Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation

Transnational art festival “Sua TERASIA” to be held in January 2024

Transnational art festival “Sua TERASIA” to be held in January 2024
Transnational art festival “Sua TERASIA” to be held in January 2024
TERASIA: Theatre for Traveling in the Age of Isolation is a collaborative project by artists across Asia which launched in 2020 in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

TERASIA started from the question, “is it possible to co-create internationally without physically crossing borders?,” Finally, we will hold an art festival in Indonesia, titled Sua TERASIA, where all the member artists will gather in one place. “Sua” means “gathering” or “encounter” in Indonesian. We invite you to see the special website for more details.



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